Monday, 14 May 2012

The Conquering Tide far.

What is this "Conquering Tide" I keep hearing you wittering on about Amy?

To put it simply, it's my You Tube movie series, made by using Model Horses.

Story Synopsis
"A story of companionship, love and hardship. Conquering Tide is based around the three herds having to work together to prevent Erebus from rising to power yet again.
  Erebus has managed to steal another horse's body; now she has a physical form. She intends to harvest energy by brainwashing, seducing and using the other horses to create chaos, from which she draws power. She is able to convert the noblest minded of horses into fearless and heartless creatures of darkness. Which also happens to enhance their powers.

In Conquering Tide you'll follow characters such as Loki, Gaia, Neptune, Ariston, Venus, Thor, Pandora and Legion on a journey of a lifetime, to free their people and themselves. Metaphorically and literally. Conquering Tide explores the depth of friendship and conflict. All the characters have flaws, and strengths which the audience can relate to. They certainly aren't perfect, and working together is one of the greatest challenges they've ever faced. Especially being inexperienced youngsters.
  Will they stop Erebus before she rises to power yet again? Watch the series to find out!"

Check Out the website: 

Or check out the playlist of Episodes so far:

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