Monday 14 May 2012

Foundation Final, In the works!

My final is based on my Characters and the story of Conquering Tide. Here's some of the work Leading up to the newer pieces...

The Piece: I plan to make my 6 main characters out of glue, and create scene/dioramas that reflect their personality and ability/energy. Some will be on platforms, others in boxes, mounted on a giant board
 Cardboard mock-up of the board. Decided to go for rectangular shape rather than oval, but it'll have basically the same layout. Approx 3.5meters long, 1.3meters tall. 
So, yup. It's a bloomin' big piece.

 ^Gaia in process.

 ^Further progress

Gaia finished, in Thor's mock-up box


New Digital work, and references in process:

Cyanotype of Digital artwork:

Early Digital Artwork:

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